Should you Fake it till you make it as an Entrepreneur?

Let me Tell you straight away. Faking till you make it does not work.

If you want real long term Business and personal success, and live a life you dream of, then honesty and sincerity is the best way.

Some loser people may judge, but ask yourself:

  1. Do you really want these people in your circle?
  2. Do you want these people as a client or a customer?
  3. Will they help you when you really need that help? 

The answer is a clear NO if you have any sense!

Either your in a spanking office or retail store or in a warehouse or garage

Know this; Wherever you are in your journey it has no relevance to the product you are making.

Focus only on create Amazing Products or service

Its simple people!
Not only will you feel free and liberated by not having the pressure of keeping up a Fake facade, it will give you great creative freedom and much more energy to think and execute. Be you, own it, develop it, enjoy it.

If you have an amazing product, share what your doing as a business operator / creator, and how your doing it. It only adds to the authenticity of You.

That is what people care about.

Let the market decide not insignificant people

Answer this:
Who would you rather support and hope makes it?

  1. The big shot who says they all it, with or without you they are the dogs B****ks
  2. Or The scrappy entrepreneur, who is making some amazing products or offers great service. Giving it all to give you something great. Hustling to not give up, put food on the plate of their family, Trying to make the world a better place?

So do not be afraid of showing you. Your strengths, your hopes and fears. And turn to the market, and let them know;

“I am here for you, to create something special”

The market does not give a shit who you are as long as you are bringing authenticity and value.

I am not saying do not be confident. Not saying do not show the best you.

You must have that inner fire, know it without a single doubt your are the shits, and express that without fear of judgment.

Just do not pretend to be someone your not. Do not pretend to have arrived if you are clearly still on your journey. 

Perfect Example of what I am saying

This post was actually inspired by something that happened today. Something I see all too often. People faking who they are and what they can actually do.

I had a meeting today with a business owner pitching me a service.

As we got talking all he wanted to do was tell me how well he is doing, how he is developing his business. Initially i thought, “That’s great man” 

But after asking a few probing questions, I could see right through all the BS. And when I told him.

“Look, be real, I am more likely to do business with you if you share the truth, the difficulties, potential areas that you may find it tough, and if you cannot deliver in the time I am asking the way you are saying, because you have limited resources or some other crap, then tell me that, and offer a more realistic time that actually works for you, think before you speak, as what you say next either wins our business or the meeting ends”

All power to him, he paused, and stated upfront that most of what he said:

“Sorry, the reality is I need this deal, as I have few expenses that are getting away from me, so sorry, but I promise if you give me a chance, I will focus and dedicate all I can to give you the best I have in me”

So I put a few contingencies in place, broke down the deal into deliverable milestones and a fari payment structure that gives me safety and gives him a challenge.

His truth won him a deal, not the BS he was flinging.


We have all been there, I am also still there. Yes I have successes, but are any of us really where we want to be?

True entrepreneurs are never really satisfied. Let the market tell you what to do, but never let anyone tell you who you are, and your value to the world.

Faking it till you make it is a drain on your intellectual energy and creative thinking. Most smart people will see right through it.

Rather than faking it. Try to put focus on the creative, the solution, the product. Be confident and show it clearly who you are and what your bringing to the market.

Dress well, but dress like you. Speak honestly and develop the person you wish to be. Grow your business with sincerity. There are so much opportunities available to us, we do not need to pretend to be someone we are not.

In this new digital age, with billions of people on the planet, being you is the most unique USP you have that no one can compete with.

I hope this helps some of you and remember. 

RISE high Your Way

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