Be willing to break the rules if needed
Amazing conversation by Jocko Willink & Jordan Peterson. Some insightful life takeaways are directly applicable to being an entrepreneur. Or for those with entrepreneurial tendencies.
Note while you read, that entrepreneur and entrepreneurialism are two different things. The lessons I will be describing can be used by anyone who wishes to succeed meaningfully in life.
You see, the skillset of an entrepreneur is like that of a warrior.
- Rebellious
- Resilient
- Disciplined
- Focused
- Resourceful
But people with these same traits, if uncontrolled they are dangerous, aggressive and ruthless, in some shape or form. Some are more than others, but to be successful these are core traits of any businessman.
Criminals vs Entrepreneurs
How you apply this skillset and tendencies determines your character, success, and other’s affinity for you.
Entrepreneurs and people with these character traits, can be and usually are extreme individuals.
They can either become leaders, successful business people, or other “Alpha” roles. Making an impact in the world and to people around them. For better or for worse.
But I know and seen just as Jocko Willink explains, those very same types of people with rebellious and self-dependant traits can also go to the dark side with ease if not controlled and have no direction.
These same traits are within criminals and other socially non-conforming roles.
I myself have been in more trouble more than I would have liked in the early year. Like many entrepreneurs, I have an utter distaste for the average and status quo. Rebellious by nature, unforgiving to “intentional” stupidity and ignorance.
Harness the power within
As I have learned in my journey through business and life, having true self-awareness. Without apology know if :
- You are or are not average thinking
- Do you have an element of rebelliousness?
- Are you self reliant, and have a tendency to always lead
- Do you want more out of life than just following the standard repetitive daily lives that most live by?
If the above statement is, without a doubt, explains most or large aspects of you. Then be warned. Find your purpose, and do it now. Channel those skillsets and energy for meaningful lives and for the greater good of society. Starting with bringing peace and a sense of achievement and forward momentum in your lives.
Take up a business (which I always recommend, and do myself), take up a significant leadership role, Serve as Jocko did, travel with meaning and explore get out of the day to day grind.
If you do not deep dive into yourself and do some of what I mentioned. Be warned, if not vigilant you can fall from grace and live a life of suffering and unfulfillment.
As Jocko goes on to explain, many friends and associates became criminals or addicts. Through his need to be self-reliant and through his rebelliousness he joined the army. Though he did not know at the time, he was on his way to harness his internal power.
Purpose with Disciple
He attributes who he is now, and how he served with distinction in the army to the sense of “Purpose”.
His purpose was defined by laser discipline to structure and finding order in chaos. Jordan deciphers this, “following rules, which have a clear path to success”. Because now “Rules of the game is clearly established”, and playing the “Game” well and better than everyone else, you get to win.
If it’s not clear from this let me explain. What haunts and troubles entrepreneurs and those with the traits I have described, is they do not wish to follow set rules. WHY?
Because following these rules, results in very little. No real success that’s meaningful to them at least. Creating the average situation no matter how good you are, or better performer you are than others. This cycle causes a feeling of confusion, meaningless life, and no excitement. Then you go hunting for meaning, and excitement. If unlucky and unguided that hunt could lead you to the wrong, at times criminal path.
Become the warrior: The entrepreneur
So if you are driven by purpose, seek meaning and not just money. Then the “Game” of entrepreneurship is what you should seek. Not the end result but the journey, the little successes in between.
Employing patience and discipline over “time” will create within you an unmovable Warrior mindset. Develop resilience that gives you strength. Create a thick skin, where no one’s opinion affects you, accept the opinion you hold.
Your eyes will open, and you will see the world for what it is. A hostile place, unforgiving. Survival of the fittest and smartest.
You learn to play the game and deploy all the abilities within that if not channeled becomes destructive. And if you play the game better than others, well then you win. What you win and how you win, is based on what you are seeking fulfillment in. Be it financial freedom, self-development or a creative outlet.
But either way, the minute you begin to channel your strengths in a meaningful way to you. You will live a life of purpose. No matter what the financial reward will be…You have already won with yourself.