Why should you start a blog?

Firstly understand, reasons to start a blog are endless!

Starting blog and content creation are one of the best things I learned. It has helped me to focus, and generate ideas and build an online presence for my brands and my this personal site.

Blog can help you record your memories for the “future you” to reminisce.

Network with others who share your ideas and ambitions. It will allow you to think, express and practice your creativity.

Best of all you can help others while doing all of this. Doesn’t that sound amazing? Even though Blogging and content creation is fun, no doubt. It can also help you make a serious amount of money and grow a brand

Not having a blog, businesses can struggle to grow their audience and followers, take longer to establish as a credible brand or seen as leaders in their field. Simply due to no central place to send customers, and worse of all no organic website traffic.

Your blog can allow you to:

  • Network with people and companies all over the world
  • Help you grow your email list and audience.
  • Be a reference for you
  • Be found organically by search engines like Google.com and grow traffic
  • Be the starting point and landing page for sales of your products or service.
  • Helps you refine your skills and knowledge and build authority and credibility
  • Have fun as its an enjoyable thing to do


RELATED POST: I have a made a Step-By-Step detailed guide of How to Setup a blog and make money

Below are the simple steps to start your blog:

  1. Picking the blog topic / Niche or purpose
  2. Select the blogging platform
  3. Pick a blog/domain name
  4. Pick a web host like Bluehost
  5. Sign-up and choose your plan
  6. Install WordPress on the blog (Full Tutorial Here)
  7. Write your first blog post
  8. Install essential Security WordPress plugins (do not worry, plugins are like Apps on your phone)
  9. Select a theme like DIVI premium Themes
  10. Setup the design of the blog
  11. Design your website
  12. Building Your 1000 True Fans
  13. Create content that solves problems or helps
  14. Build up your email list
  15. Sell products and services
  16. Share your writeup with the world

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