Why start a Blog?

Though I been extremely busy I have wanted to give back and add value to others by sharing what I learn.

I always believed a blog was a good platform to share in a written form.

But as I have various interests and things I am doing, it was hard to figure out exactly how to structure the concept of a blog, why do it and what to write about.

You see, blog and related social media are no longer what it originally was. It used to be a simple journal of you to share with people you know. For a personal blog it somewhat still is.

However, it has become far more important than that in the digital age.

A blog can be 1 of 2 things:

  1. A lifestyle blog
  2. Niche Topic specific

Lifestyle Blog

This is a more traditional form of blogging and sharing. A type of digital Journal.

It is a general website/blog where you share informative ideas and experiences with your audience. At the same time, document your key memories. To share with family and your children to remember how you lived, what you did and how you got to where you are.

Niche topic blog

This is a far more focused type of blog.

It has a Core niche topic that you know about or specialize in, or have an interest in.

For traffic source, it usually has a higher chance to rank on search as the entire site is topic-oriented.

The blog site can be an informative site, business site or both combined.

Now if you are like me and actually wish to do both, as you have various interests, but cannot decide how, and how to actually spread the workload.

Then Check out the article where I explain it and go into some practical example

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